Water Knowledge

Aguaris filter installation
For all other filters, we recommend that you commission a specialist/installer.
Amounts of water on earth
The total amount of water on earth is estimated at 1.4 billion km3 (cubic kilometres). By far the largest proportion of this (97.5 %) is in the form of salt water in the oceans.
The freshwater reserves are mainly bound up in ice (approx. 35 million km3 or 2.5 %) or are found below the earth’s surface as groundwater (approx. 1 %).
Only a minimal proportion of less than 1 % of total freshwater resources is present as surface water in lakes and rivers and only 0.001 % is present in the atmosphere.
The limit value of 10 µg/l is exceeded in many countries and leads to illnesses there.
Reports of choli bacteria in drinking water are heard time and again, but the public is usually warned too late Bacteria are also commonly known as germs. By chlorinating water or treating it with UV light, these germs coli bacteria are killed.
Normal Aguaris filter medium only partially removes bacteria, water must be chlorinated beforehand.
Some Aguaris filter systems also filter germs and bacteria.
Beauty from within through water
Wintertime means stress for the skin! Overheated rooms and dry heating air dry out the largest human organ all too quickly. At low temperatures, the skin’s sebaceous glands reduce their production. The skin oil becomes viscous and spreads less easily.
In spring, the skin soon recovers, and in order for it to show its best side, we recommend reaching for a bottle of water as well as intensive skincare.
Rejuvenate your skin with ionised water!
Who hasn’t wondered why models look so fresh and many actors still appear so young? They owe their appearance not only to Mother Nature and top make-up artists, but to a very effective realisation!
If you want to be beautiful, you have to drink a lot. Drinking plenty of high-quality water is like a beauty treatment from the inside.
According to experts, however, at least those who are not stars or starlets still don’t drink enough and often drink the wrong things, such as plenty of alcohol. Unfortunately, this deprives the body of fluids instead of supplying it with enough. Thirst is only seemingly quenched and the body is literally “left high and dry”.
Boiling water
Inorganic or organic compounds, heavy metals and volatile gases are retained.
Bottled water
Carbonate hardness
It indicates the pH buffer capacity of the water. The carbonate hardness stabilises the pH value.
The pH neutral point is the ideal value.
The water is in lime-carbonic acid equilibrium. However, if the pH value falls below the neutral point, aggressive carbonic acid is present in the water. If the pH neutral point is exceeded, there is a carbonic acid deficit in the water – limescale deposits also occur in cold water.
There is the case that the carbonate hardness is greater than the total hardness.This is due to the fact that in addition to calcium and magnesium cations, the water also contains sodium, potassium and other cations. Although these are not hardness formers, they can occur together with the hydrogen carbonate anion and thus increase the amount of hydrogen carbonate in the water.
Carbonated bottled water
The side effect of sufficient ozone concentration is the destruction of all germs. Unfortunately, this process destroys the structure of the water.
Humans need chloride to support metabolic functions.
Chloride is ingested in everyday life with table salt (sodium chloride). The limit value for chloride is not toxicologically justified.
However, increased chloride concentrations may indicate possible contamination.
The limit value for chloride according to the Drinking Water Ordinance is 250 mg/l
It has long been known that chlorine can produce toxic chemicals with other organic materials dissolved in water and is highly dangerous as it can cause various types of cancer. Brain cancer, miscarriages, foetal malformations, thyroid disorders, respiratory problems, skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis can all be caused by chlorine
Chlorine - how do you measure it?
Chlorine and cistern water
Aguaris drinking water filters convert chlorine into healthy chloride.
Chlorine and trihalomethanes
Chlorinated drinking water can often be recognised by its smell.
Cistern water
Copper cables
The concentration through copper water pipes can rise sharply, especially if the pH value of the water is below 7.0.
Disposal of Aguaris filter cartridges
Energising the water Revitalise water Vitalise water
Environment and why drinking water filters
So what could be better than drinking water from the tap, but filtered?
You also save a lot of waste or cleaning agents, energy and water for cleaning the bottles, protect the rivers by avoiding dirty waste water, avoid unnecessary exhaust fumes, save a lot of time and nerves (no queuing in long queues), protect your back, have more space and flush out toxins and waste much better and supply your body with the necessary clean water and thus serve your health.
It damages tooth enamel and can reduce fertility.
Fluoride upsets the immune system, with the result that body tissue is attacked. This can accelerate the growth rate of tumours in people who are susceptible to cancer.
Granulated activated carbon - What is that?
The activated carbon in Aguaris drinking water filters consists of coconut shells. These filter pollutants much more efficiently and have a high filter capacity.
Hard water - what is it?
Heavy metals
The most dangerous heavy metals for our health are mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, copper and zinc. Heavy metals have the ability to accumulate in living organisms and therefore also in the food chain. The health effects of heavy metals affect the nervous system, blood and bone marrow. In general, all heavy metals are carcinogenic
Heavy metals in water Which ones occur?
Herbicides and pesticides
Industrial chemicals can lead to an increased risk of cancer.
Some of these industrial chemicals that currently jeopardise the purity and safety of our drinking water are polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), aromatic polynuclears (PNAs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as TCE, benzene and carbon tetrachloride.
Industrial chemicals
Ionisation of water
Ionised water is characterised by small molecular compounds. Ionised water flushes out free radicals and carbonic acids that arise in the muscles as a result of burns.
Ionised water detoxifies our organism and revitalises the metabolism.
Ionised water has an excellent fresh taste! It is extremely easy to digest.
Even drinking large quantities does not cause a feeling of fullness or a “water belly”. This makes daily fluid intake a pleasure.
The iron naturally present in water is predominantly bound as a divalent iron ion (Fe++), as soluble iron II hydrogen carbonate. If such water is aerated, it is oxidised to trivalent iron (Fe+++), which precipitates in brown flakes as sparingly soluble Fe (OH)3 (brown spots).
Iron causes a metallic flavour from approx. 0.3 mg/l Fe++.
The limit value for iron is 0.2 mg/l according to the Drinking Water Ordinance.
Iron - Manganese
Bacteria canoxidise manganese (Mn2+ ) to MnO2 (brown iron), which can then block pipes and make disinfection very difficult.
Chronic intake of manganese in relatively high concentrations leads to nerve and brain damage, especially in infants and children, with symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease. The limit value for manganese according to the Drinking Water Ordinance is 0.05 mg/l .
Sie zeigt die pH-Pufferkapazität des Wassers an. Die Karbonathärte stabilisiert den pH-Wert.
Dabei ist der pH-Wert-Neutralpunkt der Idealwert.
Das Wasser liegt im Kalk-Kohlensäure Gleichgewicht. Wird dagegen der pH-Wert-Neutralpunkt unterschritten ist aggressive Kohlensäure im Wasser vorhanden. Wird der pH-Wert-Neutralpunkt überschritten besteht im Wasser ein Kohlensäuredefizit – es kommt auch im Kaltwasserbereich zu Kalkablagerungen.
Es gibt den Fall, daß die Karbonathärte größer ist als die Gesamthärte. Das hängt damit zusammen, daß neben Kalzium- und Magnesium-Kationen auch noch Natrium-, Kalium- und andere Kationen im Wasser enthalten sind. Diese sind zwar keine Härtebildner, können aber zusammen mit dem Hydrogenkarbonat-Anion vorkommen und so die Menge des Hydrogenkarbonats im Wasser erhöhen.
Die Konzentration durch Kupfer-Wasserrohre stark ansteigen, vor allem wenn das Wasser vom PH-Wert her unter 7,0 liegt.
Lack of water? What happens to the body then?
Although we consist of two thirds water, we cannot accumulate water deposits. We must constantly compensate for our water loss by drinking enough water. The recommended amount of water is 30 ml/kg, i.e. 2.1 litres for a person weighing 70 kg.
In esotericism, the above-mentioned waters are referred to as dead, unstructured water. These statements are proven by the fact that the different types of water have clusters of different sizes. Water clusters are formed when water molecules combine with other water molecules.
The smaller the clusters are, the more “liquid” the water is and the better it can penetrate the body’s cells. Mineral water, for example, has 12 – 15 molecules in the cluster, tap water has 10 – 18 molecules in the cluster, fresh glacier water has up to 8 molecules in the cluster. The cluster size can be influenced
by ionisation.
Structured water (also ionised, basic, reduced water) is also known as living water. Ionised water is characterised by small molecular compounds, a maximum of 6, in the cluster. This small cluster size makes ionised water the most cell-permeable and most similar to our cell water. Ionised water flushes out free radicals and carbonic acids that are produced by burns in the muscles. Ionised water or water with small water clusters detoxifies our organism and revitalises the metabolism.
Lead enters the water through (previously used) lead pipes.
It is very toxic – especially for infants, it can lead to reduced birth weight and premature births. Lead ingestion can cause delayed mental and physical development,
Even small amounts of lead can lead to reduced IO, reading and learning difficulties, impaired hearing, concentration difficulties, hyperactivity and other behavioural problems. It can also lead to kidney damage and impaired mental abilities.
Legionella are microorganisms that cause Legionnaires' disease
Medication&Drugs in water
Mineral water
Water is called mineral water if it contains at least 250 ppm of dissolved minerals.
The special feature of mineral water is that it always has the same chemical composition at its source.
Pollutants (a century of intensive agriculture and 200 years of industry) have long since seeped into the deep layers of the earth and more than half of all mineral waters should not be flowing out of the tap today!
Here, not just one eye is closed, but both.
In addition, mineral waters have much higher limits than drinking water:
– tap water: arsenic 10mcg/litre – mineral water.50mcg/litre
– tap water: lead 25mcg/litre – mineral water. 40mcg/litre
Example Germany: 240 mineral waters were tested.
Of these, only 12 were suitable for the production of baby food, and the German Mineral Water Ordinance stipulates the ridiculous number of 10 substances to be tested! Problems with sterility often arise, especially when filling the bottles; if this contaminated water is left in the crate for a few weeks, these germs can multiply enormously.
Mineral water Why drink little of it?
However, this does not suit everyone; many people cannot drink enough of this water because it often tastes bitter and have a water shortage.
Pure, non-carbonated water tastes fresh, quenches your thirst and is the best thing you can do for your body. All the good foods, nutrients and supplements are of little use if the body cannot fully absorb and pass them on due to a lack of water or deposits in the intestines. Water is life!
Minerals and their truth
As chlorates, phosphates and sulphates, the cations sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and some metals have been used effectively in biochemistry for 120 years.
Minerals retain their “inorganic” properties even when they are incorporated into plants or the human body. This does not detract from their vital effect.
This is because it is precisely the associated electrophysical properties that control the resting and action potentials of nerve and muscle cells, regulate the water balance and enable the provision of energy through phosphorylation. …
Minerals are present in water in elementary compounds, exactly as they are formed by the
cells can be metabolised naturally.
Minerals and the demineralisation of water
Water = H2O. However, this is only the chemical designation, as water does not occur in nature in this form.
Water has excellent dissolving properties and absorbs minerals, among other things, along the way. This is the only way inorganic minerals are transported to plants (vegetables, fruit, lettuce, etc.).
This biochemical process has existed since the beginning of time – the world.
The first living organisms (unicellular and multicellular organisms) were supplied exclusively with minerals via water.
This process remains unchanged to this day. Only the quantities of minerals have increased due to changes in the size of living organisms.
As this amount could no longer be covered by water alone, additional minerals had to be obtained from “edible mineral stores” – plants and living organisms.
For millions of years, and unchanged, every organism can naturally absorb and metabolise inorganic minerals dissolved in water. Under any other theory, the development of living organisms, humans, would be unthinkable. Why should the human organism have changed anything during its evolution? And if inorganic minerals were not beneficial for homosapiens, why didn’t evolution change anything? There was enough time for selection
“How did we survive with these incompatible inorganic minerals in our drinking water for thousands of years until the age of reverse osmosis?”
Interestingly, this theory that inorganic minerals in water cannot be metabolised by the organism has only become widespread since the introduction of distillation apparatus or reverse osmosis systems.
Every product needs its own sales strategy and philosophy. However, if the product characteristics or the product result do not harmonise with the laws of nature, everything is made to fit.
This is nothing new for us consumers!
New products Aguaris drinking water filters
The product is still made with KDF®, but with a different formulation and labelled KDF85 instead of KDF55. We also use a specially formulated coconut shell GAC called Catalytic. This combination of KDF85 and catalytic carbon offers the same properties as the previous units and also removes chloramines.
Chloramines (chlorine and ammonia) are now used by municipalities as they last longer than chlorine but have the same negative effects as chlorine. As soon as we develop a brochure with specifications, we will send it to you.
There are now processes, see Aguaris drinking water filters, which filter out heavy metals such as nickel.
Nitrate is produced by the application of fertilisers etc. in areas close to springs.
Nitrate and nitrite
Nitrate and nitrite can be converted into each other depending on the oxygen content in the water.
Nitrate (limit value according to the Drinking Water Ordinance: 50 mg NO3/l, the guideline value for infants is 10 mg/l) leads to considerable health problems in higher concentrations in infants up to 6 months of age.
Nitrate, which can also be converted to nitrite in the human body, causes the blood to better bind nitrogen molecules instead of oxygen, which ultimately leads to “cyanosis” (methaemoglobinaemia) in infants (suffocation).
For older children and adults, there is only a risk of nitrosamines forming at even higher concentrations, which in turn can be carcinogenic.
Nitrate How much can be in the water?
Limit value:
0.50 mg/l nitrite can be formed from nitrate in drinking water through chemical processes in galvanised pipes. In addition, nitrite can be formed from nitrate by reduction under oxygen deficiency in the prepared food or directly in the mouth and in the gastrointestinal tract when nitrate-containing food is consumed.
Osmosis systems Reverse osmosis
Pesticides and herbicides
Many chemicals used in agriculture, such as atrazine and alachlor, have penetrated the groundwater. Many pesticides are harmful and are directly linked to a variety of health problems.
pH value
By measuring the pH value, you can see how acidic or alkaline the water is. The pH value of our organs is in the alkaline range of over 7.0. Our urine and gastric juices are an exception to this, as they need an acidic environmentwith a low pH value of 1.2 – 4.0due to the tasks of digestion and excretion.
The pH value of ourdrinking water should always be in the alkaline range of approx. 7.0. Unfortunately, carbonated mineral water has a pH value of approx. 5.0 – 6.5, whereas tap water has a pH value of approx. 7.0. Esotericism therefore advises against carbonated drinks as the body constantly tries to keep the pH value constant. With a permanent intake of acidic drinks(e.g. lemonades with a pH value of around 2.5), the body has to fall back on its buffer to maintain the blood pH value.
The pH value ofionised water can be adjusted from 7.0 to 10.0 and is therefore in the alkaline (non-acidic) range; if you set the pH value above 10.0, you get ionised water, which is very suitable for cleansing.
Post-filter in Aguaris House filter systems - for what?
Replace filter Service life
The filters are therefore full to bursting, unlike cheap products that have to be replaced soon because they have little content.
The KDF also ensures a long service life.
Ships - Yachts
On ships, osmosis systems known as watermakers are used for desalination.
Shower filter from Aguaris
Shower filters can filter hot water
Less shampoo and shower soap in the shower
Structured water
Ionised water is characterised by small molecular compounds. Ionised water flushes out free radicals and carbonic acids that occur in the muscles as a result of burns.
Ionised water detoxifies our organism and revitalises the metabolism.
Ionised water has an excellent fresh taste! It is extremely easy to digest.
Even drinking large quantities does not cause a feeling of fullness or a “water belly”. This makes daily fluid intake a pleasure.
Surface water
Swimming pools Swimming pools
Vulcan is also suitable for decalcifying the water in salt water pools.
Tasks of water in our body
In Germany, for example, asbestos is no longer used for drinking water pipes.
Vital water
All therapeutic measures work better when the body is optimally saturated with vital water. High-quality water on its own is not a panacea, but it is extremely beneficial to health. It can certainly bring about significant improvements in certain illnesses and achieve effects in conjunction with a natural diet and a harmonious lifestyle.
Resilience and vitality increase, the complexion is rejuvenated and the hair becomes shiny.
Waste water
Water and its tasks in our body
All life evolved from water.
The human organism consists of about two thirds water. Large quantities of it constantly flow through our body. In 24 hours, around 2000 litres flow through the kidneys and 1400 litres through the human brain. The functions that water fulfils are manifold.
It serves as a building material, solvent, transport agent and coolant. Water regulates body temperature.
It ensures that trace elements reach every single cell in the body and that the body’s waste products and toxins are eliminated via the kidneys, for example.
A balanced water balance is therefore an important prerequisite for the functioning of the entire human organism. This can also be seen from the fact that humans can survive for a long time without solid food, but only for a few days without water.
However, insufficient water intake severely disrupts the water balance and quickly leads to the impairment of various bodily functions with serious long-term health consequences.
Drinking enough water regularly is just as important as drinking healthy water.
Water and life
Water has only existed in liquid form since the Earth cooled down around 4 billion years ago. The primordial building blocks of life were formed about 3.5 billion years ago on the floor of the primordial ocean that subsequently formed. Life on land would not have been possible at that time, as there was no ozone layer to protect the cells from the sun’s UV radiation. For long periods of the earth’s history, this task was performed by seawater. It was not until around 400 million years ago that colonisation of the mainland began. However, living organisms on land have also remained attached to water. The bodies of most plants and animals consist of 50 to 80% water. Without water, plants would not be able to absorb their nutrients. Within organisms, water serves as a means of transport for nutrient salts, enzymes and hormones and is involved in almost all important life processes. A sufficient water supply is therefore also fundamental for the existence of humans on earth. Only with water can we produce the food we need and only through constant water intake can we sustain ourselves
Water cycle on our earth
If these clouds contain enough water, it falls back to earth as precipitation.
Two cases are then possible. When precipitation falls on impermeable soil, it flows into a receiving watercourse and then back into the sea.
However, if the surface is permeable, the water penetrates into the ground and groundwater recharge can occur. As groundwater, the water can then travel a very long distance before returning to the surface as a spring.
Water from osmosis systems
Other filter processes even prove a significantly higher quality of the filtered water, because the natural minerals and the pH value of the water are retained.
This also guarantees a better flavour, for which the minerals are also responsible.
Healthy and vital drinking water can only be produced using gentle processes.
Water gives us energy - Why?
Our body consists of 2\3% water. The brain is made up of 90% water, the skin 80%, the muscles 75%, the liver 69% and the bones 22%.
Metabolism only works if the body is provided with sufficient water. Our blood consists of 92% water, and the right quality of water is crucial for optimal blood circulation in our body. The circulatory system removes toxins and transports important nutrients to the different parts of the body.
All signs of ageing are associated in one way or another with a slow dehydration of vital body tissue.
Dr Alexis Carrel was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his proof that the living cell is immortal if it receives the right nutrients and all toxic residues are removed.
Without water, the more than 70 trillion cells in our body cannot be properly nourished and the cellular waste produced cannot be excreted. Most people believe that drinking water is the same everywhere and differs only in terms of purity.
Water hardening Ion exchanger
Water hardness
Water hardness is caused by high concentrations of calcium, magnesium and other dissolved minerals. Whilst magnesium and calcium are important for our health and well-being, high levels of these minerals in your tap water cause many different problems in your home.
Over time, water hardness can cause damage to water-bearing appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters, as well as to fittings and drains.
Signs of hard water in your pipes include
Showers that don’t leave you feeling clean:
Hard water can make it difficult to lather soap and leave a greasy residue on your skin and hair. Your skin may also feel sticky or dry after showering.
Soap lather:
When hard water evaporates, limescale deposits can form, which can lead to unsightly soap streaks on crockery, shower doors and taps.
Deposits on fittings and drains:
Mineral deposits can clog your pipes and shower heads, which can lead to plumbing problems over time.
More stains: Iron in water can cause red or brown stains near water-using appliances such as toilet bowls and taps. As long as hard water flows through your pipes, these stains can persist.
Bad odour or taste: Excess iron in your water can lead to a metallic taste. If magnesium and bacteria are present in the water.
Water hardness In which industries does water hardness play a significant role?
Water hardness is important in many industrial applications, such as drinking water treatment, in breweries and in the soda industry, but also in cooling and steam boiler water, as well as in the glass industry.
Water pipes
The pipe network in Germany is totally outdated (lead, asbestos…) – and even the new pipes still provide us with sources of pollutants. It is estimated that the total number of drinking water pipes with asbestos pipes in Germany still amounts to 25,000 kilometres.
Water pressure
Aguaris drinking water filters only work using water pressure, no electricity is required.
Water softening disadvantages
The salt consumption for a detached house with 4 people and around 20° dH/36° fH is at least 130kg per year.
Large appliances that require constant maintenance.
What is KDF® ?
KDF® is the abbreviation for “kinetic degradation fluxion”.
This type of media consists of a granulate of high-purity copper-zinc that triggers a redox reaction – either reduction or oxidation – to greatly reduce common water impurities.
The KDF® redox process, which is certified by NSF International, converts impurities into harmless substances that can be effectively removed by backwashing. In the process, electrons are transferred between the molecules and new elements are created.
The KDF redox process produces a chemical reaction that is primarily used for contaminants such as heavy metals, chlorine and hydrogen sulphide.
When the body draws water from the skin?
If the body lacks water, the water content in the skin cells is also reduced. The resistance of the skin and the function of the enzymes decrease, the structure of the horny layer deteriorates. It dries out and becomes rough, flaky and cracked. It develops small wrinkles and loses its elasticity. It’s better to stick to the Madonna strategy: drink, drink, drink! Only moisturising from within will make the skin appear rosy and elastic. When choosing the right water, however, you should make sure that it is alkaline.
Drinking enough water is not only essential for health and performance, but also for beauty. Wintertime means stress for the skin! Overheated rooms and dry heating air dry out the largest human organ all too quickly. At low temperatures, the skin’s sebaceous glands reduce their production. The skin oil becomes viscous and spreads less easily. Luckily, spring is just around the corner. So that the skin can soon show its best side again, we recommend reaching for a bottle of water as well as an intensive moisturiser.
If the body lacks water, the water content in the skin cells is also reduced. The resistance of the skin and the function of the enzymes decrease, the structure of the horny layer deteriorates. It dries out and becomes rough, flaky and cracked. It develops small wrinkles and loses its elasticity. It’s better to stick to the Madonna strategy: drink, drink, drink! Only moisturising from within will make the skin appear rosy and elastic. When choosing the right water, however, you should make sure that it is alkaline.
Most skin creams and lotions consist mainly of water and substances that are supposed to bind the water in the skin. However, the moisture depots in the deeper layers of the skin are only supplied from the inside, which is why it is just as important for beauty to drink enough! During sporting activities, stress, everyday working life, lack of exercise and illness, but also consciously in your free time and with every meal, water acts as a little piece of beauty in this way.
Water is the most important and oldest drink for humans. Water has accompanied us as a thirst quencher since time immemorial. The total body water consists of 66% water in cells, 26% water in the intercellular spaces and 8% water in the bloodstream. We humans consist of more than two-thirds of this element, which supplies our cells and organs with important nutrients and transports waste out via sweat, the bloodstream and urine.
Why filter water?
You’ve heard it many times before …. Water is life.
But what significance does water really have for our bodies?
If we take a closer look, water takes on a special meaning for us.
Our body filters everything we feed it.