Water is my passion –
Welcome to my blog
Dear friends of good water, welcome to my Aguaris blog l
I have been involved in sustainable water treatment for many years and have gained a lot of experience.
Water is a multifaceted and sensitive topic.
I would like to share my knowledge about it with you here in this blog.
But I would also like to keep you up to date on our innovations, new projects and products.
Without protecting the environment, there is no protection for our precious water, which is why I have also created an ‘Environment’ section here.
The only way to survive on this earth is to understand water!
Descaler, the big word on the Balearic Islands
We love a bright house with lots of sun and light, but that only works with large glass facades. Cleaning such glass windows becomes the real task of every cleaning...
Lime-free water on the Balearic Islands – a challenge
The Balearic Islands are known for their beautiful scenery, aquamarine waters and diverse cultures. However, the inhabitants of the islands have to deal with a daily...
Water in Mallorca – Where does it come from?
We know Mallorca as a rather dry place because it often doesn't rain enough. So where does the water in our pipes come from? Some of it comes from the mountains, the...
Now is the time for water filters (1)
‘Only when the last tree is cut down, the last river poisoned, the last fish caught, will you realise that money cannot be eaten.’ A prophecy of the Cree Indians from...