
Hotel Morlans Garden

Vulcan system installed

Vulcan S50 + Vulcan S10 + Vulcan 5000


Paguera, Baleares Islands, Spain


Marzo de 2023

Optimised water quality at the Hotel Morlans Garden

Scope of the project:
Location: Paguera, Balearic Islands, Spain
Size: 69 rooms
Installation: Vulcan S50, Vulcan S10, Vulcan 5000

Installation details:
Cold water main pipe: Vulcan S50 system (Ø 90 mm)
Hot water circuit, building 1: Vulcan 5000 system (Ø 32 mm)
Hot water circuit: Vulcan S10 system (Ø 63 mm)

Vulcan anti-scale system: The Vulcan system is an innovative electronic anti-scale system that works without salt and requires no maintenance. This saves considerable resources and prevents salt water from entering the water cycle.

Let us improve your water!