Eva Maria Risse

Meet our expert team at Aguaris, dedicated to providing you with the purest water solutions. Our specialists are passionate about transforming your tap water into a healthy, refreshing experience, ensuring that ‘water as it should be’ is a reality for every home in Mallorca, Spain, and the Canary Islands. Trust our expertise and commitment to quality as we guide you towards a healthier lifestyle with our innovative water filters and anti-lime scale systems.

Post By Eva Maria

Vulcan is not a fake descaler

Vulcan is not a fake descaler

For 3 decades, our method of water treatment has proven its effectiveness, even if it is still questioned by some. As far as the publication of the Asociación Española de Empresas del Sector del Agua is concerned, we completely disagree:...

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Homeowners in Mallorca opt for the anti-limescale system

Homeowners in Mallorca opt for the anti-limescale system

Auf Mallorca wählen immer mehr Eigentümer das wartungsfreie VULCAN Antikalksystem, um effektiv Kalk in Wohnungen zu bekämpfen. Das VULCAN Modell S10, kürzlich in der Eigentümergemeinschaft Balanguera in Marratxi installiert, schützt 12 Wohnungen vor Kalk, baut bestehende Ablagerungen ab, und verhindert neue, verlängert so die Lebensdauer der Geräte. VULCAN arbeitet umweltfreundlich ohne Salz und benötigt nach der Installation nur minimale Stromkosten. Eine 25-jährige internationale Garantie unterstreicht die Zuverlässigkeit des Systems.

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