pH value and its importance for Mallorca

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The pH value is a measure of the acidic or basic character of liquids, such as water.

This liquid part of our island of Mallora has a very good quality almost everywhere.

The mineral content is very high and with it the pH value, which varies depending on the region.

This high pH value is responsible for the exceptionally high water hardness in Mallorca and Ibiza. We know particularly high values ​​from water samples from our customers in Menorca.

The higher the water hardness, the higher the limescale formation.

Limescale is a big problem on the Balearic Islands, but also on the Canary Islands.

And what is lime (chemically calcium carbonate)?

Limescale in water consists of calcium and magnesium. These are minerals that have a healthy effect on the human body.

On the one hand, this is good for people, but on the other hand, it quickly becomes a problem because lime builds up in pipes and machines or on surfaces around the house.

At a pH value 9 and more, for example Mallorca, we have healthy, alkaline drinking water that helps our bodies to have more vitality.

These and many other natural minerals contained in Mallorca water make the water taste very good and underline the aromas of cafés, tea and food.

Unfortunately, there are also some pollutants in the water, such as toxic lead and coli bacteria. In municipal pipes it is often heavily chlorinated.

Wanting to drink water in Mallorca means that it has to be treated.

Through careful filtration we can retain these valuable, natural minerals.

Mallorca water – particularly valuable!

This info about Vulcan only applies to Spain!

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