Anti-limescale system VULCAN guarantees satisfaction

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Large buildings or apartment blocks have severe limescale problems due to long pipes and high water hardness.
Very quickly the pipes become full of limestone and then the water arrives in the apartments with much less water pressure.

This can only be managed if you repeatedly clear the pipes with a lot of chemicals or use a descaling device. The latter requires a lot of maintenance, a lot of salt and generates constant costs.

The electronic anti-limescale system, on the other hand, is much simpler VULCAN.
It requires no maintenance, only 36 volts of power and will last a very long time as it has a 25 year warranty. It works very effectively.
It not only prevents the formation of limescale, deposits and incrustations. Yes, it even cleans the entire pipe system up to 2 km long.

It is German technology that always ensures satisfaction.
Many people around the world trust it.
Here is the installation of VULCAN in an apartment building on Calle Massanet i Moragues in Palma de Mallorca, whose residents have been among our satisfied customers since August 2022.

This information only applies to Spain


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